• Question: is there anything beyond the universe?

    Asked by sussim24 to Alexandra, Dean, Jess, Luisa, Sian on 22 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sian Foch-Gatrell

      Sian Foch-Gatrell answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Absolutely no idea! Haha sorry!

    • Photo: Dean Whittaker

      Dean Whittaker answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      That’s what we call an existential question – meaning it’s external to our own experiences. We are in the universe and we can probe it and prod it and so on. But if there’s anything outside then we can’t really find out if it has no influence on us. For instance, what if we’re all brains in jars somewhere (or what if we’re in the matrix). There’d be no way of finding out (unless there’s a bunch of rebels trying to break us all out of it).

      However, some physics theories predict a multiverse. This means several universes that may or may not be connected. Some of these theories even say that each of these universes could have different laws of physics – so gravity might not be the same. But frankly, in my mind, I think it’s not a question we can answer at all. If we can’t test it, then science can’t provide an answer (and if it doesn’t influence our universe, we don’t really need an answer!). Plus a proper theory explains something and makes predictions that we can test, these “theories” usually don’t.

    • Photo: Alexandra Kamins

      Alexandra Kamins answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Thinking about the infinite universe and that is it EXPANDING always makes my head hurt. If it’s infinite, how is it getting bigger? And what the heck is it expanding into?! You’ll have to bother the physicists about this one…

    • Photo: Jessica Housden

      Jessica Housden answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      I don’t think anyone really knows that – that’s because we don’t understand our Universe totally, or how the Big Bang started. And, we can’t ever look further back in time and see beyond the Big bang, so no matter how much scientists argue they can never be proved right!

      Some people think that there are lots and lots of universes and they all represent every single possibility there could be! So, there might be another Universe and the football game being played at the moment is almost identical! But, they are all theories and I find my brain begins to hurt when I think about it!

    • Photo: Luisa Ostertag

      Luisa Ostertag answered on 22 Jun 2010:

