• Question: how do u become attracted to someone

    Asked by molliestephenxo to Alexandra, Dean, Jess, Luisa, Sian on 22 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sian Foch-Gatrell

      Sian Foch-Gatrell answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      There are a lot of studies into this line of work. Apparently symmetry plays a big part, as does smell. However social aspects about a person play a massive part in mate choice. I am a woman obviously, so sub consciously I would look for a successful, older man because these traits mean that he has survived up to now, and he is successful so he must have been ‘better’ than other men. Obviously these things are very subjective and they are not the be all, and end all of human mate choice. Women like to find men that will stay around once a woman decides to invest in a family with that man, but purely biologically speaking, a man is able to have more children than women so he usually would be evolutionary driven to invest more in that rather than staying with just one woman. Obviously this is the opposite of what a woman needs to raise a family since energetically speaking, she invests more in reproduction than a man does. So essentially we see a trade off.

    • Photo: Dean Whittaker

      Dean Whittaker answered on 22 Jun 2010:

      I don’t know the answer to this one..

    • Photo: Luisa Ostertag

      Luisa Ostertag answered on 22 Jun 2010:

      Biochemistry!!!! 🙂
      Lots of smelling and unconscious checking if the person in front of you has ‘good genes’ and behaves and looks like they would be a strong mating partner as well as someone who cares for the kids later on. For example men with higher testosterone levels signal that they are very fertile and strong – on the other hand if they have too much testosterone they might run away once they have given their genes to the next generation.
