• Question: Do you find you work hard or easy?

    Asked by cogle1995 to Alexandra, Dean, Jess, Luisa, Sian on 17 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sian Foch-Gatrell

      Sian Foch-Gatrell answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Actually it can be both! Some of the techniques are challenging and mentally trying to work things out is tough as well. Then there are the calculations! Haha…but all in all because I enjoy it it makes it fun rather than tough or hard, and I enjoy it much more that way.

    • Photo: Dean Whittaker

      Dean Whittaker answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Some days are easy, some are hard. My experiments tend to be very stressfull for one or two week periods but then quite relaxed and easy for a week or so afterwards. I’m rubbish at maths, I find that very difficult indeed!

    • Photo: Jessica Housden

      Jessica Housden answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      In the main, challenging! I think if it was really easy it would be boring – but then again, if I couldn’t do it then that wouldn’t be so great. I try to mix it up a bit and have some variety during the week.
      For me, I think I find hard maths or programming the hardest, so they probably take me longer than other people; but then I find some parts easier!

    • Photo: Alexandra Kamins

      Alexandra Kamins answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Both!! There are some things I really struggle with–currently stats is giving me a little trouble 😉 I’ve had to do a lot of learning about statistics and computer programming lately… but some of it is much easier, like collecting interviews. Although, field work has all sorts of other problems! Science can be technically hard or easy, complicated or simple, time-consuming or quick. There’s a lot of variation 😉

    • Photo: Luisa Ostertag

      Luisa Ostertag answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      That depends on the day, the stuff I am doing at that moment, my mood and the mood of the people aropund me ….
      It’s never REALLY hard (although it might be hard work sometimes) and never REALLY easy. It’s very often a little challenge, which keeps it very interesting.
