• Question: did you enjoy science at school?

    Asked by toffee4eva to Alexandra, Dean, Jess, Luisa, Sian on 16 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sian Foch-Gatrell

      Sian Foch-Gatrell answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Actually, it was probably my worst subject! There is hope for us all

    • Photo: Luisa Ostertag

      Luisa Ostertag answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Yes, most of the time I did. (Luckily we had normally quite good teachers!)

    • Photo: Alexandra Kamins

      Alexandra Kamins answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Most of the time, yes. I hated memorizing things (like the chemical compound series in photosynthesis. Die, silly succinate!) but I LOVED discovering all the fascinating things about our world, like the fact that our body cells can copy billions and billions of base pairs of our DNA every day and not make mistakes. I can’t even write an email without a typo!!! I probably enjoyed science even more OUTSIDE of school, where I could explore “astronomy” in my beautiful Colorado night sky, “microbiology” in trying to figure out what had grown all over my bread or, perhaps best of all, learning ecology on the plains of Africa 😉

    • Photo: Dean Whittaker

      Dean Whittaker answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Yes, because I was very good at it and I had some amazing teachers. We did experiments like finding out how much a washing line bends when you put a pair of pants on it, how long to make an elastic band so a lego man can bunjee jump from a clamp stand without getting eaten by the toy shark (swimming in the water below) but still just touch the water and getting one of the naughty kids who had to sit on his own to swing a bucket of water over his head as punishment and show us that he wont get wet.

    • Photo: Jessica Housden

      Jessica Housden answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Yes, but I didn’t do the experiments that I now think would have been way more fun! Things like can crushing with water, making goo, building rockets etc!
